What is Green Care?
Green Care at Norton supports and brings about positive changes in the lives of adults living with loneliness, unemployment or who are socially excluded through mental illness, learning difficulties or other disabilities.
Based on three different sites across Letchworth Garden City, participants work alongside volunteers to grow their own food and flowers.
Participants benefit from having a safe and secure place to make friends, learn and develop skills, and enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of gardening outdoors.
Our participants can gain valuable skills such as larger-scale commercial growing of food and flowers, marketing, pricing of items, floristry, architectural landscaping, or grounds maintenance.
We are a social enterprise selling our fruit, vegetables and flowers at various outlets including the shop at Standalone Farm.
There's no charge to attend our sessions. We take referrals and self-referrals, so if you know someone who could benefit from our project please get in touch.
Our project was made possible thanks to National Lottery players through The National Lottery Awards for All programme.